The Book


    "The legacy of your father and brother, through your presentation, will save lives."

  • MARK.H

    "It was a very powerful presentation. Like no other safety talk I’ve ever had before. Usually, safety talks are long boring chats about statistics that bore people to tears. This medium was a raw emotional real-life story that had grown men rubbing tears from their eyes."


    "I am from the old school ways; I have 37 years in the civil construction industry. Your presentation gave me a swift kick in the bum, for getting complacent in my work.

    It is a perfect message, your Brother and your Dad would be very proud of you, to think one voice can save many lives you are a credit to your family thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

    I say us because I was there with my son sitting beside me taking it all in. Thank you"


    "You made the presentation personal; you are a true hero by having the courage to tell your story to make sure people stop and think about what they are doing.

    I don’t think there is much I can say you need to improve on as you express the fact that EVERYONE needs to watch out for each other."